Monday, February 14, 2011

All he ever wanted….

Sunday began with a purpose. Most Sundays don't, so this one was clearly different. He woke up, and looked out the window from where he lay. The golden rays were just beginning to climb over the tops of the buildings he could see from his vantage point. Today would be a good day. Something in him just "clicked".

Filled with this drive he tackled the morning with a gusto one normally reserves for Thursdays or Fridays, days when the weekend is almost upon us. By 10 am, he was all set to head out to the Conservatory. He had managed to convince a friend to join him, under the ruse of teaching him how to use his newly acquired camera. All set, he walked out the door, and headed to the car. Reaching the car, he realized he left the all important Theia at home. Already late, he rushed back home. That's when the Sunday dipped.

He opened the door and hurried towards the camera bag. In his haste, he failed to completely pull the key out of its lock, but continuing in stride, eventually the key came loose. Bag in hand, he walked out, and closed the door behind him. Proceeding to lock the door, he looked at the keys in his hand. He had successfully bent the tip of the key 90 degrees, and now unable to let himself back into the apartment.

A call to the friend waiting for him, and another to the friend with the spare. He was off to get the spare, to ensure he could let himself in. The thing about spare keys, however, once you make them, you should verify they work. As it turns out, 1 out of the 3 keys duplicated were unable to open their locks. Given the day that it was, this was the one key needed.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. He called the landlord of the building, asking for a recommended locksmith, or a spare. Nice guy that he is, he kept a few for when tenants manage to do something like this. Things were looking up, this morning might actually be salvageable. One catch, the landlord lived 25 minutes away. The morning was dead.

An hour later, he walked back home, and opened the door to his apartment. Relieved, he had some water, and picked up the headphones that would lead him into the world of Pandora, as he exercised Theia's muscles. Finally, he made his way down to the conservatory of flowers, to capture the exhibit, in the early afternoon light.

Quite a start to a Sunday, and all he ever wanted to do, was take pictures.


xesskay said...

it's worse when you have intuition telling you that stuff like this is going to happen..then you're beating yourself going "but I KNEW It!!!"

(i laughed and pointed at you when i read this-- evil me ... what to do.. but really 90 degree angle!? guffaw)

glad you managed tho.. and the pics are awesome :D

Ujjwal said...

Papaji, the pics are REALLY good. And a nice story built around it too. Welcome back!

ps: Please disable work verification

backBencher said...

great pics! Thanks for the post... saves a lot of imagination ;-)