Thursday, January 7, 2010

And the earth rumbles...

Just a day,
Just an ordinary day.
Just trying to get by.
And the earth came alive.

For all the beauty that is this place, one often forgets the frailty of the land we live and work on. Today, in one slight jolt, many of us were woken up to this. It didn't last very long, but it was enough to shake the ground we stood on. On the second floor, where I was, it felt like the floor decided to go dancing, and created its own bass in accompaniment.

I wrote about an earlier such incident last year. Standing as the ground beneath you tries to throw you down, while scary to some, felt different. It felt like an experience, one to be remembered, and shared, maybe not fondly, but nostalgically.

People reacted differently. A new mother ran upstairs to her 5 month old baby, to find her fast asleep unawares to the world. A newly engaged man, ran down the four floors of his office building to safety. A close friend insisted I procure an earthquake survival kit. And me? I went back to my desk, and said hello to the world.


Rupsha said...

And all this happened while I was driving to work... didn't realize a thing till I logged into Facebook and saw all the status messages!

zoxcleb said...

get to work late and u miss all the excitement :-P

Ujjwal said...
