Thursday, June 5, 2008


Hello, and welcome to my new abode. Its still a work in progress, after all, shifting bases is not that easy. Its been two weeks since I graduated. Almost as long since I shifted base. Yup, that's right, I've moved across the continent, to warmer climes, and blue skies.

After moving into my new place, it was quite a challenge to get it setup. Luckily I had all the help I could need, and a few trips to the usual house-setup-shops resulted in a house turning into a home of sorts.

After two years of being in this country, I finally have a dining table, and a marvelous bed. :-) Heck, I've also learned to drive, and am on my way to being a licensed driver! Not bad, you say, for someone only two weeks into the Sunny Valley.

Now, the short vacation is coming to a close. Soon the time will come, when I re-enter the corporate world, and make something of myself. And all the while, I'll always have 1203 to come home to every night :-)


Quest said...

Hey Congratulations :)

Yes for your license, bed and dining table, in that order :D

zoxcleb said...

why, thank you! :-)